Incliment Weather Policy
Lil' People Daycare
Parent Information
School Age
Enrollment Forms
Incliment Weather Policy
Employment Application
Rate Sheet

Dear Parents,


As the winter weather approaches I would like to review our policy. If snow or ice conditions become apparent, and public school closes than we will likely close also. If we know early enough before the close of business a sign will be posted on the front door to verify this. Anything weather wise that happens in the evening hours that might effect our opening for the day will be called into Channel 11 that morning. You can also access the information on and  We will also have a message system set up on our phone to indicate our opening or closing for the day. Every effort will be made to open the Center, but we must maintain our ratios and the safety of our staff and your children.


Secondly, all children need to wear the appropriate outer garments everyday as we do take them outside, everyday. The rules are that all children are to have at least 1 ½ hours of outside play daily weather permitting. The permitting is termed as not raining or weather that is not under 32 degrees. Even in cold weather the children are required to go out even though we will alter the amount of time we stay outside. The fresh air is good for them and helps ward off illness.


Thank you and if you have any questions please feel free to ask Ms. Angela or myself.

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