you for allowing us to be a part of your children’s lives now and in the future.
Infant - $155.00
Toddler - $ 145.00
Two - $ 140.00
Three - $ 135.00
Pre-k lunch only - $20.00 (8-2:30 program)
Pre-k & School age – AM Only - $55.00
PM Only - $65.00
- $75.00
Early release- $10.00
Teacher work days or single school day off- $15.00 addl. per child/ per day Full Time for School age and Pre-k (Holiday weeks, summer time) - $135.00 Regular field trip cost included. Special events will have an addl
Drop in rate - $35.00 per day (field trip fees would apply for older children)
Hourly rate - $8.00 per hour (any part of the hour, 3 hour minimum)
Registration - $35.00 for the 1st child, then half ($17.50) for each additional
child/per year
Discount – 10 % for full time,
year round multi families (Infant – Three yr. Old. Full time is determined as an 8hr avg. day/5 days per wk, 52 weeks per yr), school age & pre-k groups do not qualify for the discount since they are not here on a full time basis.